AliExpress 13th Anniversary Sale Code
Save more with $5 off every $30 ( max $15)
Does AliExpress have a Promo Code for my purchase?
Yes, we have 24 active Aliexpress promo codes & coupons for November 2022 and we’re adding more every day.
How do I use my AliExpress promo code?
Select the coupon that works best for you. Then, click on “view coupon” and copy the code. Click on “visit AliExpress” and select your favorite items (from clothing to electronics, furniture, or home decor). Add them to your cart and then, go to checkout. You’ll find a specific gap where you’ll be able to paste the code. Click on “apply”. Your discount or free shipping will be automatically applied!
What is an AliExpress promo code?
AliExpress Promo Coupons are coupon codes for users to use when making purchases on the AliExpress USA website or in-app. These codes are provided by AliExpress, tested daily, and are valid for mixed product orders from multiple stores, regardless of the seller.
About AliExpress
AliExpress is an online retail website, was launched in 2010, based in China. The website lets sellers add a large range of products for sale. The website is mainly created for consumers to get as many deals as they want. Aliexpress is predominantly a wholesale and drop-shipping marketplace for retail and e-commerce.
AliExpress Promo Code For New Users
ALiexpress USA has a very nice Welcome Gift to new Users. New users can choose between $0.01 products, a $3 off coupon for orders over $6, or flash deals only for new users. Aliexpress flash deals offer several products at steep discounts for a limited time.